Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Abit later, who and whether anyone is reading the blog starts to become an issue. I blog for the sake of them reading, I blog for the sake of keeping them reading my blog. I start posting pictures and re-designing my template to make it an interesting blog.
And abit more later, I started blogging in Newstation instead, because I care about those that read this blog. Blogspot become my tagboard of everyday happenings, Newstation's my beautiful secret garden, for me to bark my anger, to cry my woes, to shout my fears.
And now.
Blogging now takes me 2 hours instead of 30 minutes, because I'm filtering everything I wish to say. Thats why I hardly blog nowadays, its so tiring.
I cant biatch about friends, cos people I know are reading.
I cant biatch about work, cos I'm not sure who is reading.
This is so frustrating, I dont even know why I'm typing this. Urghz.
Friday, March 27, 2009
715: Its going to be a smooth ride, this shoot.
Fat hope.
1.5 hours before shoot commences, rcvd a SMS from one of the models to say that she's gonna drop out. Oh mannnnnnnnnnnnnn. We didnt manage to compromise to each other by 9am, hung up at 9am. One hour before calltime. I have an hour to get a similar looking girl and send her down to shoot with hair and makeup done and wardrobe packed.
One hour.
Its times like this when I really feel like breaking out of my position, curse and swear and whatever! I dont care! I'm quitting! I really hate it.
Anyway, everything turns out fine afterall. Manage to get a really nice girl to help me out for this project, I'm really grateful.
Anyway TWO, I just realised how no life I am becoming ever since we moved. Weekdays are basically Gym-days, and Weds reserved just in case the booker team are going for ladies nights, and the rest of the days are all OT OTOTOTOTOTOTs. Its a really comfortable place for OTs, like I've mentioned umpteenth time already, Gwen said that its going home to work, and going to work to home, if you know what she meant. Lol.
Parties are going slow these two months, and nope, we are not going to any social parties for the sake of socializing, though sometimes I think that we really need to pick up a skill or two from Wendy and Jasmine. The girls are pro-s in mixing ard and having fun and hanging with the people that bookers are running away from.....*v*
Thursday, March 19, 2009
April - my sis ( can I just draw her a cake?) - lin - kor - dor - ching
May - San - wennie - dad - evelyn
And Huijuan's camera! Gosh gosh gosh.
PS:Buddha bless, I hope I didnt lost the Access card! It cost $200.......and I still owe my aunt bucks!
We've only hit the Gym three times and I'm loving the Track machine already. With the mp3 on in full blast, 25 minutes jog on the thing doesnt feel as tired as jogging in Sunset Way, dunno why.
A wishful calculation - If I can lose a kilo every week (frequenting the gym thrice), in two months time I'll be in perrrffeeect shape. *Fingers crossed*
Monday, March 09, 2009

I'm sitting not so comfortably in our little office, overlooking the grey mass of shophouses along Boat Quay. Its as grey as the sky, as grey as the recession market.
This is the second week here.
Everything's pretty cool, except for the food court at Level 5 which really SUCK. Transportation from home to office now takes an hour instead of half, plus I cant afford to be late --- cab costs me $17 bucks. However, the gym, the view, the environment, the garden, oh and the shower (I cant tell u how nice it is, but its to the extent that I almost wanted to bathe in Central everyday), is enough to cover up for that. We're doing grocery shopping every week and cooking simple fast lunches and dinners, its soooo enjoyable. *v*
Moving out, we're leaving Park Mall!
Where the heck are the guys when we needed you!
22 months in Imodels spent here, changing partners from Evelyn & Gwen to Jerry & Mun and now back again. For all the memories...the Olay project..Ann Tan...the first batch of models...celebrating Daiane's birthday at the small room..the first SFF model listing sheet..I cant believe that its not even 2 years yet.
Forgot the mention..its Giena's birthday when we moved! Happy belated birthday girl!
The small but strong Patrick.
Can you believe that all these stuffs used to be inside the small ol' Booker's rm? And the bags and boxes of rubbish that we discarded. Girls are girls.
Finally seeing the apartment for the first time! Gwen and Evelyn has been here many times though, checking on the arrangements and measurements and stuffs. Had trouble fiddling with the lock.
Arrrrhhhh, no makeup.
Finally inside. Staircase leads to Booker's room.
Patrick and Hayden. This the view from B.R down. Oh and I just realised on the day of moving in, that, we cant see Clarke Quay cos we're facing Boat Quay, nevertheless, the NDP fireworks (if anyone cares) will be in full view!
Rainy day, Starbucks hazelnut chocolate, soft music....perrrffeccttto.
Its sucking me up! AAaaahhhhhhaaaahhhhh.
Our very first lunch in the new office.