1... Boo!

Had fun counting down? Happie 2006!!!!!
As usual..the long blog for the end of the year. Btw, for your information, I’m blogging @ HK. (Sitting with my feets crossed**cold**)
Turning points this year. From student to office lady, from 19 to 20, from part time to full time … … goodbye good ol’ slacking days. *sniffs* Lots of memorable stuffs … struggling with FYP, our last class chalet, graduation Taipei trip with the girls, the two months rest @ HK, cold wars with friends, and that evil event in October… … 2005 has been so so so long. Feels like two years ... school life sound so long ago ><>
Speaking about love. Haiz ~ my right hand is still empty. Hmmm. There were expectations set in the beginning of this year, some were fulfilled but the ultimate goal has already been changed. (*originally, my ultimate goal was to get him before christmas - the him isnt desmond lah, I’m not that dumb* ) I played dirty little tricks, enjoyed them so much that I mistaken myself to be in love. But I wasn’t. And he probably wasn’t too…-_- Then…there were those ridiculous ones, those with silver ring on their fourth finger.Many told me about Karma…I dun really care lah. I donate a lot to cover up one u know *winks*
I duno what affected me but I had a lot of quarrels with friends this year. Esp with Rina, wahahhaha. Laughed cos…there’s really no meaning quarelling with her; she’s a terrific debator. I really duno what got into me. Ever since that one (during URS period) from taka to selegie, our every meeting, or sometimes just phone conversation, involves a heated argument in almost anything. From discussion of the ending of SAW I to crescent stuffs to ridiculous things like location of Starbucks…ridiculous (*rolls eyes*). Then there was San. She skipped the quarelling part and went straight to ignoring me totally. Fortunately everything’s over……I’m really happie to still have them as best pals. =^_^=
Hmmm. And ... I still believe that action speaks louder than words, and that if I don’t start doing something my everyday will be just another today. I havent given up on my dreams ; my first step is to take up dancing course in Feb @ Hype…we’ll see how things goes lah yah. Meanwhile, I’m still the faithful secretary of my bosses ^ ^
I’ve been through more than I can handle this year. So much that I thought I will just bend and break. But I didn’t, and with no thanks to my family members but thanks to the hell lot of friends who really turned up and stood by me. 2006 will be a great year for me … the fengshui book say so (for those born in the year of ox).
Resolution for next year will be ...
(1) Maintain that damn thousand bucks in my bank
(2) Pretty-up
(3) Start a course ( dancing/lyrics/fashion design)
(4) Another taipei trip
(5) Use my brain more often and stay alert
(6) Clear up the mess in my life and remove people that shldnt be staying ard
Lets hope 2006 be the best year for all of us...stay alive!
PS:Black and purple is my currently fav colour!!!!