Sunday, July 31, 2005
Yesterday was fun, except that the Kbox session was really too short. 28 bucks for a mere three hours ktv session! *_* (Oh btw I saw that Desmond-look-alike at Cine...with Philip and a girl><)
Went Indochine for drink cos MS pubs were too packed. Drinks were on Papa...thx ya ^^ It was an enjoyable night excluding the drunk part...ha. Papa drove the gang home while me and Hj went Boat Quay for a super-early breakfast ~
I finally know how the boys' toilet bowl operate!!!!!!********Wow. ( Dun be stupid lah, u don't have to go into the Gents' to know how it works lah k)
Work starts on Monday. My first off day is on Thurs so call me up for any special stuffs ya. DO NOT COME VISIT ME.
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Christine and gang
Seok Ting
N'BC Amy
Sounds like those detention student list....ha.
Sunday, July 24, 2005
. Went Markie's to dye hair. Bye bye black hair. =D
. 5+ pm at Hj's house. Trying out office stuck in a black dress! We had a f-u-n time pulling me out of the dress....
.@ Redhill market with San. The Bak kut teh is wooooooooolicious. And only for 10 bucks $$$ ~
.Slacked ard in town waiting for Esther and Alicia. They watching "Red Candy" @ cine...a very long 2 hours! I keep bumping into the guy that took d same train as me...
.Chill out at JLittle's Coffee bean ! Alicia is sooooo pretty ( though I'll never admit infront of her >< ). Esther shared quite alot of beauty tips she learnt from her work. For example, DO NOT USE OLAY AND SK II. AND GET URSELF A SUN BLOCK TODAY.
.Went looking for Hj at Cine's KBox. I suprised myself cos I never thought that one day I would wana meet Hj with dick they all. Ha. They were nice people la ~ fun and all ~ didnt mind me around too ^^
.Went clubbing @ NB. *gasp* Ha. Drank more than I usually do. Kimmy's friends are all quite nice la...maybe cos of their age? Know how to take care of people ( unlike some people *hint* ). Ha. Quite an enjoyable night ya ^^
Saturday was a funny day.
Didnt realise that my wallet's not with me till sunday noon. Took a cab down to NB with Zc but NB wasnt open yet. Some funny things happened ya. Ha. We saw a very very big golden retriever!!! *_* Anyway I got my wallet back le. ^^. (PS:Thx dude!)
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
How dumb can Bonita be?
Interviewer:What is ur aspiration?
Lousiest answer: To be rich.
Interviewer:What do you hope to achieve from this job?
Brainless answer:To be a... business woman?
Interviewer:So, will you stay on this job for long?
Lousiest answer:Definitely -- err, depends la.
Interviewer:Why do you think our company should pay you thousand five?
Lousiest answer:Cos...I will be very hardworking! And uh, I'll be responsible blah blah blah.
This dumb. >_-
Its a tough interview. Or rather...I've never gone through such a formal interview before. Heard lots of interview tactics and skills in IS, but come to the actual thing, I freak out! Right from the beginning when she ask me to talk about myself, I knew its over ..... *_*~
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Saw many familiar faces. Took pictures with those I'll miss. Many are just "hi/take care k/bye" friends...kinda sad. Today will probably be the last time I see so many of Ictians together as a whole ~ how sad >.< ...
A exciting journey down to Bugis and a fine dinner at Billy Bombers. Pics uploaded when I get them.
PS:Hey u! Yes u! U took pictures with me right! Better upload to my frenster now! NOW!!!!!!!
Monday, July 11, 2005
Saturday, July 09, 2005
I cant recall my Np days at all...this is scaring me. I've only graduated for few mths!
Goodbye to all my student privileges...goodbye 16 bucks Sakae buffet...goodbye bus stamp...goodbye goodbye *_*
Meet up with Uncle B at restaurant just now. I love the food. ^^ And cousin is so damn handsome. Ha.
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Lets begin from the cab part. Initially, our decision was to take a cab to Hotel Hyatt then transfer to a airport carrier bus.
Do you know hw difficult it is to get to Hotel Hyatt?
1) Wana call-a-cab? Spend 30+ minutes searching the web for d number first.
2) Wana call-a-cab? Press 1 then 2 then 1 again ( and on and on and on…)
3) Wana call-a-cab? No problem….(talk for 10 minutes) Har? U wana go Hotel Hyatt ar? This is the airport cab service number leh. We only provide cabs straight to airport. Anywhere else we don’t go one.
-_- Call until I pek cek. Next is the journey from Muzha to airport…the cab driver is really scary.. 搭了一个十分惊险的的士旅程!司机根本就是拓海(Initial D)上身…huimin say d meter 还到160 ( ! ).
It was a long long journey for all of us, including the taxi driver. All the highway that can go to airport was blocked for certain reasons, and the department in charge didn’t inform the taxi drivers, causing them to take many 冤枉路. At one point, our driver stopped on a blocked highway and start making calls to different dept to check for the correct route to airport.
He called the main center, then 无线电, then XXX police post but none of them were able to help. They keep pushing the blame to other depts and he got damn frustrated. His last call was the 高速公路局 ( which was d only helpful one ) and shouted over the phone abt sth 混帐政府 or duno wad. Me and huimin was stiffling our giggle at behind…though we feel d need to say something comforting, we dare not cos the driver like shen jing bing lidat.
Safe and sound

Trying to show the difference btw old taipei note and new taipei note

Next is the horrifying turbulence.
My previous scary experience was on China Airline too, from Singapore back to HK, and the H2o in my cup shoot 15cm up. This time is worst. Lotsa screams and shouts. A baby was crying. The air stewardess fell. The air craft shook like mad. I felt the air craft drop down suddenly, stable awhile, and drop further. We hold on to each other’s hand and I prayed hard. The whole thing lasted for 8 minutes plus plus, then, nightmare was over.
Family Ma Dishes
Ma Family
Mrs Ma n d gang
Oh ya. I forgot to mention abt d earthquake! 6 级地震 *_*
Our very first experienced earthquake happened on 1st June. I was bathing, hj papa and dengli were watching tv, huimin was closing a door and Dor was next to huimin. From wad they say, they felt the building shake for awhile and stopped. Dor thought huimin slammed the door too hard. I didn’t feel a thing at all, but I heard noises coming from the laundry room and thought got robber/ ghost. Ha.
....................ha. to be continued. ( really! Next is the last!)
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Last day in Taipei
1:30 台北101
从住所到台北101不用10分钟就到了~ 搭cab 也才 NT$130 ~ cheap ^^
现今世界最最最高的大楼(Really.No joke!)--- 达达达登!台北101 ~


老实说台北101一点也不好走…all branded goods. 去不去也罢. Abit like Taka but much much more high class. 唯一另我们有兴趣的是它的food court, 又大有很多选择..
Me and HJ share 了一碗牛奶牛肉面(NT$138) and 一个不懂什么鸡肉的set lunch (NT$148)..OK nia. 重点是他们的portion 超大分!两个人吃都可能吃不完…the food wasn’t really nice, just dat singapore dun have so we found it interesting ~

好像好好吃的样子 ~

Huimin自从去了台北后胃口一直都很好 ~那么那么大 ~盘~的东西她竟然能消灭掉!?!?


无意间竟然发现纽约纽约!还找到Eva 极力推荐的mister donut!!! Yokatta ^^ 长这么大从来没看过那么多种类的donut......x

一向来都很讨厌吃甜食的我竟然为了donut淋雨…真的难以置信. 本来在想,如果不好吃的话回去看到eva一定骂她麻到她死掉….哈。 冒着雨我和huimin排了差不多20多分钟的队才买到的heavenly donuts *_*心情非常high ~

Mmmmmmmister donuters

Mmmmmm ~!

Total spent on donuts - > NT$435 -_-"" Considered qt a sum. Wu ha.
5:00 政府站
原来shuttle bus也要给钱的-_-从101搭到最近的捷运站要NT$15 ne.( 爸爸怀疑我们上的不是shuttle bus) 大家一起搭到西门站下车,然后成双成对地自由活动到7点多。
我拉了hj到阿宗面线 ~因为实在太好吃了 ~念念不忘ne.两个人剩的钱都不多了 ~所以买东西的时候都是想的很清楚才买...也让我更加坚定下次来台北一定要多带一些钱的信念 O__o
在等爸爸和dor的时候和huimin玩了一个无聊游戏,我们要在15分钟内算有几个俊男或美女走过 (这样无聊的游戏大概只有我想得出来 …也只有Huimin肯陪我疯吧…)讨厌的是明明一直都看到很多好看人士的,可是一正式开始算的时候却都是次等货>< alt="Image hosted by" src="">
8:10 剑潭站外
等待shuttle bus…终於搭到真正免费的shuttle bus了!向美丽华进发!
8:45 FOC 的shuttle bus 还蛮久的 ~ >_-
Huimin 她们都上去摩天轮了~ 剩下我和hj在下面等着 (呜~)穷人总是比较吃亏的 ~

Woo hoo

能看不能玩 ~ 呜


华丽的旋转木马 ^^

强颜欢笑-_- ~



11:00 Again @士林
只吃了好朋友凉面…上次因为是打包的所以没喝他的miso soup~很好喝呢 ***虽然还是吵着吃水煎包 ~但是肚子真的撑不下了*_* 饱到想死 ~
爸爸在一个路边摊买了一个radar detector,我还是来到台湾才见过这种东西. 它是安装在车子里 and will automatic detect devices like 超速拍摄相机啦, 闯红灯的detector 啦, 等等。。。(我对车子的东西不熟啦, 反正就是跟speed detector 一样的仪器啦). 爸爸付了 NT$4700 (已经杀到不能在杀价了) be continued ( next one is d last one)
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Sunday, July 03, 2005
*looks around*
Actually...i nt sure if i should say this...
U see...
It wasnt my fault really...
*look left, look right*
U noe wad..
If i tell u this, i dun think u'll believe me..
I havent't watch Initial D!
Thx me for being so damn lame.
Me and my sis intended to watch I.D but we change our mind. Dun tink we wana malu ourselves with those "ooo.."s and "ah....s" and "wah...zhou jie lun damn shuai!!"s in d cinema with all those cool cool HK youngsters. I'll be waiting 4 its vcd ^^ My ex promised to send me one soon *bleahz*
PS:Bon is very very poor.