Wednesday, March 31, 2004
I've been searching for the detailed copy of C.S Lewis's "The witch, the lion and the wardrobe" for quite some time still cant find it. All i could find were picture books...those kiddy kiddy ones with lots of picture and hardly any words. Shit ...=X And the "Beauty and the Beast" vcd ar....haix. Hmmm...btw i just realise that i'm quite into those fantasy + cartoon type of stuffs lately.....ha~
PQS project considered completed lu ~ now only left the Life Science presentation n LAN project~ yeah~ this sem seems so short (-I've been repeating this for very long-)...gotta book tix back home le. Smilez.
Tuesday, March 30, 2004
To all ladies out there...looking for fashionable yet affordable accessories? Visit my cousin's webby here. Nice stuffs. All handmade and cheap. To save trouble, order as a group and i collect the products for u k.
Saturday, March 27, 2004
Friday, March 26, 2004
Thanks for all your votes pplz! And to those who havent...just do me a favour k? I only have 6 votes? I have like 141 friends in Friendster leh...what happened to the other 135? Dead??????
Have heard about some of your comments...i will improve on whatever i have to improve k? Anyway...after chatting with ah seng's fren last nite....abit demoralized ar. ( -I'm easily demoralized- ) Doesnt sound as easy as I thought it was. I only wanted to write lyrics, not melodies or songs or to sing and be famous or what. But from what the guy said ... its like you really have to be very musical. Plus he briefed me on the restrictions when u write songs n stuffs ... in order for ur song to catch the judges attention, ur song have to sound commercialised. Like those typical K-Songs u hear on radio ... ... Wierd de. I thought commercialised songs are too common...........
Anyway...called ma and told her about all these stuffs. She really knows me well (-sometimes-)...she said that I should just give it a try loh. I will keep kp-ing about it if i dun send in my songs anyway... ... ha. But if never get in....$20 down the drain leh...$20 can last me 2 days ar....><
Alot of birthdays coming! I will be b & b (busy and broke) buying presents for all the beloved ones....and for those that doesnt get their pressies ar. U shld know why. U are not loved! Hmph ><
Thursday, March 25, 2004
Okay. I need u guys to help me. I've already given up on the previous song...thanks to Miss Zhang's fren effort in helping to complete the scores anyway ^_^ I got another helper though...and i need your help also. I have posted some lyrics @ newstation...just go read it and choose 2 of the better ones k. I love u guyz!!! Post ur votes at the tag-board. I need the results by...say tml nite? K?
Tuesday, March 23, 2004
Havent been checking my blog for the past few days and I have to say that I was shock by all your long msgs. Thanks for keeping my tag-board alive and spicing up my blog. But... P-E-A-C-E k. Thanks.
Didnt intended to spend much today but ... bought a dress and a skirt. There was this damn cool bracelet next to InSurge but. Ahem. No more $ lu... anyway called SL kor in the noon. Wanted to ask him to help me get discount @ he say his fren(-d boss-) was away on vacation so...hmm. Felt abit bad only calling him when i need something. I'll change ... !! I dun wan anyone to feel that I m only contacting them whenever I need help or whatever shit ...
Btw, i just realise I've missed all those annual 3-3 matches. Saturday when Bus 7 went past Taka I had the urge to alight and go watch Converse 3-3. Didnt know it was on Sat! Haix. Den nvm...Sunday woke up early in the morn intending to go down Taka watch Converse 3-3. I heard whistles but thought i hear wrongly... damn shit. When i went down the CC was so crowded. Clementi 3-3!!! I missed another one... Anyway when I reached Taka, there was no more converse matches le loh. It was some floor ball tingy instead...Damn!!!! Wtf...
I have a new dream! I want to be a successful song writer! IT diploma will be a waste (-that is, if i can graduate-). Updates on the song composing compy tingy...i only have one song on hand right now. Still waiting for Amy's bf to send his song over. The one i have now still lacks alot of stuffs ar...its just pure melody now. Waiting for hj's fren to complete the uncompleted part, then find either Wennie/ Seng to sing it and it will be done! Rina heard it juz nw and said it was abit similar to Jie Lun's "An Jing"....shit shit shit.
Issit me? Or issit just him? Or issit me and him? Should I stop all this crap? Or should I just carry on? I think i use my brains at the wrong thing...
Didnt intended to spend much today but ... bought a dress and a skirt. There was this damn cool bracelet next to InSurge but. Ahem. No more $ lu... anyway called SL kor in the noon. Wanted to ask him to help me get discount @ he say his fren(-d boss-) was away on vacation so...hmm. Felt abit bad only calling him when i need something. I'll change ... !! I dun wan anyone to feel that I m only contacting them whenever I need help or whatever shit ...
Btw, i just realise I've missed all those annual 3-3 matches. Saturday when Bus 7 went past Taka I had the urge to alight and go watch Converse 3-3. Didnt know it was on Sat! Haix. Den nvm...Sunday woke up early in the morn intending to go down Taka watch Converse 3-3. I heard whistles but thought i hear wrongly... damn shit. When i went down the CC was so crowded. Clementi 3-3!!! I missed another one... Anyway when I reached Taka, there was no more converse matches le loh. It was some floor ball tingy instead...Damn!!!! Wtf...
I have a new dream! I want to be a successful song writer! IT diploma will be a waste (-that is, if i can graduate-). Updates on the song composing compy tingy...i only have one song on hand right now. Still waiting for Amy's bf to send his song over. The one i have now still lacks alot of stuffs ar...its just pure melody now. Waiting for hj's fren to complete the uncompleted part, then find either Wennie/ Seng to sing it and it will be done! Rina heard it juz nw and said it was abit similar to Jie Lun's "An Jing"....shit shit shit.
Issit me? Or issit just him? Or issit me and him? Should I stop all this crap? Or should I just carry on? I think i use my brains at the wrong thing...
Thursday, March 18, 2004
I know some people after reading this entry will start to complain that I'm hua chi again la...but hey! Guess what! Converse 3-3 starting soon le...and I'll get to see Desmond! Finally ... wonder how he look like now. Does he still remember me? Hmm...that's not important anyway. Hope that the finals doesnt fall on weekends...or else I have to apply leave ar. Hope that he really will turn up ... ... I'll go wish upon a star now. Byez.
Tuesday, March 16, 2004
Regretted of going town today. Err. Or rather regretted wearing what I wore today ... I promise I will dress properly to school everyday from today onwards! *** PROMISE *** shopping list getting longer and longer. Considering about buying stuffs from the Yahoo! Auction ( when i get my next mth pay ) since I really cant find them in Singapore. Walked around Far East looking for X-girl's tees ... the guy @ Brosproducts & the kor-kor @ Collage say confirm very difficult to find one. Damn. Found some other nice stuffs though...but. I wan my X-GIRL TEE!!!!!!
Someone say its time to change the way i dress. Shit...i always get very paranoid when people say stuffs like this. Make me feel so depressed! All of a sudden I feel so lousy and shit and ugly and blah blah blah X 100..... I had set my mind in only spending only on facial products this mth. Seems like I gonna change my plan...why do people bother about appearance so much! If they never bother i wouldnt be fretting now..............argh!!!!!
My shorter version of my long long shopping list: shopping list getting longer and longer. Considering about buying stuffs from the Yahoo! Auction ( when i get my next mth pay ) since I really cant find them in Singapore. Walked around Far East looking for X-girl's tees ... the guy @ Brosproducts & the kor-kor @ Collage say confirm very difficult to find one. Damn. Found some other nice stuffs though...but. I wan my X-GIRL TEE!!!!!!
Someone say its time to change the way i dress. Shit...i always get very paranoid when people say stuffs like this. Make me feel so depressed! All of a sudden I feel so lousy and shit and ugly and blah blah blah X 100..... I had set my mind in only spending only on facial products this mth. Seems like I gonna change my plan...why do people bother about appearance so much! If they never bother i wouldnt be fretting now..............argh!!!!!
My shorter version of my long long shopping list:

Sunday, March 14, 2004
Finally got my pay lu. Ha... business was good today. Even do OT just to hit our target. Alex + Hl pop by in the noon..then saw Jim at nite. Btw my senior made quite some comments abt the them. HAHAHA. Tiredz. Anyway got this desperado guy working @ Sony keep walking past the shop just to see my senior Jenny...and my senior keep avoiding him. Poor guy...he duno Jenny is married...ha~
Borrowed CDs from shop. This song is exactly what I'm thinking. E.X.A.C.T.L.Y.
Sometimes I get so weird
I even freak myself out
I laugh myself to sleep
It's my lullaby
Sometimes I drive so fast
Just to feel the danger
I wanna scream
It makes me feel alive
Is it enough to love?
Is it enough to breath?
Somebody rip my heart out
And leave me here to bleed
Is it enough to die?
Somebody save my life
I'd rather be anything but ordinary please
To walk within the lines
Would make my life so boring
I want to know that I
Have been to the extreme
So knock me off my feet
Come on now give it to me
Anything to make me feel alive
Is it enough to love?
Is it enough to breath?
Somebody rip my heart out
And leave me here to bleed
Is it enough to die?
Somebody save my life
I'd rather be anything but ordinary please
I'd rahter be anything but ordinary please.
Let down your defences
Use no common sense
If you look you will see
that this world is a beautiful
accident turbulent suculent
opulent permanent, no way
I wanna taste it
Don't wanna waste it away
"Anything but ordinary" by Avril Lavigne
Friday, March 12, 2004
I never regret giving up shibuya for energy today...cos guess what!? I saw dick also!!!! Yokatta ~ damn happie~ he, Kunda and Ah Di played against Milk, Shuwei n another bball guy...damn cool >< Happie to see Milk also..he looks much better now. Forever that cute...and he really looks like Desmond. Err...or should I sae Desmond look like him? Same la hor...
Anyway, the match was really nice. Their basketball skills not bad...hard to say who is better. Rowdy fans...everytime Energy member score, their fans will scream like mad ( including me la..ha ^_^ ) I took alot of Dick's foto ar..haha. And i realise that ALOT of girls were taking his foto also...know what? When the Basketball session was over and Energy left, Dick and his other Bball mate was surrounded with soOoOo many girls...all queueing up to take picture with them. Sky ar...
Will develop the photos in school tml! ASAP... wana see Energy's pic!!
Wednesday, March 10, 2004
Colleagues are very impt, i realise. Imagine having to dread going to work every weekend just because you have a sucky partner... ...>,< Anyway...i got my pay frm that formal-wear shop le. Slightly more than i expected...ha. Got myself a zhang say i'm messy-flower-money (plz translate into chinese) which is not true! I so long never shop le....sobz.
Converse 3-on-3 coming very soon...excited! Might see desmond...saw him at the same event with his Fscc gang last year. He ended up in a fight during the match ... me + wennie + hj will remember that incident forever. I have never seen someone fight till so sak-ee before...and all his little actions. Damn cool!!!!!!!!!!! Idol!!!!! Anyone interested to go with me to see the match msg me okokokok?
Went eat sakae today. Argh~ as usual. Full. Damn full. Ha ... ms zhang also complain very full. ( i duno she complain for what..she only ate 8 plates ) Hmm ... feel like pampering myself. Feel like eating good food...swenson la, fish & co la, TCC cakes la, Secret Recipe's grande la, hotel high tea la....ha ~ no money ah~ and still got alot of things wana buy ar~
My shopping list ^______ ^
See? So many stuffs i wana get. Anyway speaking of this ar, been walking around looking for my "Beauty and the Beast" Vcd for very very long le. Jurong Pt, Bugis, Westmall, PS --- all dun have. They even have "Pinochio" and "Dumbo"...but all dun have what i wan. So If u guys happen to see my wanted-vcd ( i wan the disney version...not those fako productions >< ), tell me where it is ok? I love u all!!!
Friday, March 05, 2004
Finally.... =_=..
Lucky colour for tml is red again. Duno what to wear for work tml le la... >,<
The LAN open bk test today sucks..i rather iz not open book test, at least i have the excuse to say that i have not enough time to memorize all the stuffs. Its like...even the MCQ i also have to flip book...and worst still, flip book le still cant find the answers. S.u.c.k.s. Anyway, my ex-bball-idol sat few seats away from me in LT ar...haha ~ see his pattern he also like duno how to do like that. Ha.
Tml will be working again in Shibuya. Yeah! I'm back there lu! Gave up the previous job to go back there...anyway that former-wear-sales was bad la. Havent got my pay yet...will get it by mon or tues? Hope to get it lotsa debts to settle.
Wana buy leg-warmers ar....but duno what to match. Tsk... ... i wana i wana i wana get my leg-warmers asap! Btw energy will be coming to Sgp next weeK!!! So fast... ... still rem last year me and san went to support them at PS. Hmm....heard that they'll b having a friendly bball match @ J8 next thurs... ... msg me if u interested k. I'll be there!!!!! XXX asked me that day the reason i support ENERGY issit because Milk looks like Desmond. Hmm. Interesting question. I'll think about it k.
Guys. Sometimes they really sucks. So many things they do without knowing that it hurts. I'm not trying to say that girls are perfect or what...I know there are many bitches around too but. I'm biased la. Seeing so many friends being hurt by all those bastards...what happened to all the good ones?!?!? Are they all extinct?? Or are we just forced to turn les??
So anyway, my point is ... ya. Majority guys sucks. And all the good ones are either attached or gays. But that doesnt mean we start cursing and stop trusting. You just have to open our eyes and be more careful the next time round.
= )
Guys. Sometimes they really sucks. So many things they do without knowing that it hurts. I'm not trying to say that girls are perfect or what...I know there are many bitches around too but. I'm biased la. Seeing so many friends being hurt by all those bastards...what happened to all the good ones?!?!? Are they all extinct?? Or are we just forced to turn les??
So anyway, my point is ... ya. Majority guys sucks. And all the good ones are either attached or gays. But that doesnt mean we start cursing and stop trusting. You just have to open our eyes and be more careful the next time round.
= )
Wednesday, March 03, 2004
Been busy writing lyrics ever since that day we saw the song-writing competition notice. No harm trying .. but. Hmm. Lyrics are useless without melody and performer. Aiyo. Dun think wennie is free to help me with it ... and anyway, i just read from its website that we have to submit a demo cd with at least one instrument as back-up. Keyboard alone will sound so boring. Aiyo.
( at least )$1000 cash prize ar....
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