Thursday, July 31, 2003
Ah bon in ECID class nw.. *yawnz* so earli in d morning ...
Yesterday's stuff:
Called back home frm morning till night but nobody's home. Was getting abit worried until ma called back. Said d whole family was out for work..even my sis! she workin at a candy stall..salary iz HK$5 per hr(which iz onli 1 dollar?) bt hmm. nt bad la. at least she's nt wasting her holidays rotting at home. Plus my ma juz told me dat she chipped in HK$100 in my allowance... =)
My leg sux. I tink i may begin jogging next wk..mayb twice a week after sch. Since san oso wana jian fei den we can go together bah. I wana haf slim legs!! I wana haf big breast too! (no nd too big least bigger) Our class gals were toking abt tis ... bt all those suggestions they gave me were useless! i tried them all before... wad papaya milk la wad pushup bra la.. aiyoh~ haiz..
Hmm. .. saw xiwen n rina chew. Juz realise dat dere r so mani similarities betwn d 2 of them.. so i guess they r d TYPICAL type of gals dat guys like. Long hair, fair, puts on make-up.. n pretty legs. R dis all guys looking for? Aniwae i tink long hair iz rilly Essential. hmm...
Tuesday, July 29, 2003
哇哈哈!!finally can type chinese lu~ 呵呵!!aniwae anione noticed tt d colors change liao? cos i damn sian of d previous colors..PLUS i nt so pro as rG cn change d whole layout..失败.. >.< my throat nt improving ar...好难受~ oh yar juz nw lecture damn sian.. so sort of 很无聊地 start a vote for the 最有身材 guy of 0218.. .. bt d guys dun wana cooperate or else i would haf d results by nw.. SupRIsE iz jas actually voted for ALEX!! ALEX leh! omg....天啊~
huijuan wax her arms shiny frm far (**闪闪的**) . duno when d 毛 will grow again.. hmm...lets all wait n see k.
Monday, July 28, 2003
yest evening went watch Youth Finals at JSH.wAh~ real nice ar. Me n wennie was like saying hw cum all those ppl so zun. Seems like they even zun-er than Namsan ppl ar.. .. watch d gals finals oso( we were forced to).. it was suprisingly entertaining! Mainly due to the center of 1 of d team..ha~ her dribbling iz beri bad~ den everytime she catch ball,she gotta bounce d ball wif both hands n get near d net to do layup~ ha~ abit bad la bt d audiences were amused by her actions =) San's cousin oso gt i mistook her as another player. n rilly ar.. nowadays d butches rilly look like REAL BOYS from far...
Most impt match --- Huatien vs Tagawa! (Call myself a Namsan fan..i even gave up Namsan match for tis) Supporting reagan frm Tagawa n DiCk (!!*whistle*!!) of HUaTieN!!!! He rilly zhan ar! Although he nt as kaopek as usual bt he still stands out. .. fast! Power stamina! Dart here dart there.... n his kong qiu iz real pro~!!!! except for once he made a fool out of himself la (bie ti le =P ) but real real real good ar~ duno when then cn see him play again. tsk. Aniwae tagawa supporters were real rowdy..made alot of noise. Dun feel so much "Sportsmanship" as compared to d other time these 2 teams play agst each other.. haiz. .. reagan was great too! kw kept saying tt he iz SoOoOoO nice..always helping players get up on their feet when they fall, be it his own teammates or nt. ha~ wait till he hears abt tis.. .. u shld haf concentrated more on his playing!!!!!!! >.<
argH! i cant hear my own voice ar!!!! tmd tmd! sumore juz nw went eat BK...完了,完了... >.< todae gt one big big ting happen ar~ n i shant sae wad it is! iz rilly rilly beri big ting. Hmm... juz tink many ppl influenced by me. ha... NF quiz todae! tot it will b hard or wad... bt it wasnt~ juz abit ma fan... cos gt to redo tt stupid UTP cable again n again... n i was reminded AGAIN dat lunar july begins tml ar... aiyoh~
Saturday, July 26, 2003
Currently in a very very grey mood. Elin asked me how to reject a guy .. n i juz gave her my chunk of opinion which is -- tell the guy straight in the face that she doesnt wana waste his time by gifing him false hope. Let him noe that she's nt ready for ani relationship .. .. in fact i wished my crush would say all these to me. Getting tired in making guesses... guessing this guessing that. Nv noe when he's just joking n when's he's actually dropping hints telling me to gif up. .. .. I hate to be guessing. I rather face it and get over with it. .. .. .. losing hope every day. There are so mani chiobuz in sgp... ... wif beautiful legs. Depressing.
San asked me to go NDP rehearsel i cant cos i sick. Aniwae i wun wana go oso... wad for celebrate sum other countries bdae when i wana go home so badly? doesnt make sense rite... ... last yr's NDP we went watch Namsan match.. n they won. So fast one year le. Time really flies. Another 2 yrs n i'll b out of NP (i mean if nth goes wrong la). Another graduation..another farewell to frenz..another promise to always hang sooner later we will all lose touch. Den another 2 or 3 yrs i pay bek gov. for my sch fees n i'll b away frm sgp. Den there'll b another farewell...n more "keep-in-touch" promises. Den...yrs n yrs n yrs lata...i'll b dead. Dis is so scary!!!!! hmm... so. Dun b a hum ji n juz do wad u wana do b4 ur life ends without u knowing it! *yar i'm referring to alex n xiwen*
Was tinking abt tis juz nw. Actualli dis juz a heated chat betw me n my gan didi.. he was saying dat he wana study n give up bball. I was asking him y n he said dat he tink tt dere's no future in being a bballer in sgp. Said dat onli beri few bballer will really make money out of bball. Said bball couldn't get him a wife, or a job, or a house. Half of wad he sae is true... bt rilly hate him for saying all tis. Make me having second thoughts abt being a referee... read another bball comic juz nw. One of d role was saying dat most bballers haf to grow up, step into society n gif up bball eventually. Saddening. -__-..
Aniwae yest noon saw d drum guy at atrium...pulled Gerald over expecting him to intro me bt he din. Buey zi dong >.< Ok juz kidding... he din look like wad i tot he looked like. nt as shuai as dat nite... bt cute. plain cute.
Saw jinwen outside Co-op.... he forever nv change lk. I hide behind huijuan once i saw him... funny reaction. Dino y i hide too... tink cos dis few days re-reading my diaries n stuffs.. .. so felt abit wierd. Huijuan said dat he saw me hiding.. he kept walking n toking to his frenz like he nv saw. Saw or nv saw...wads d diff rite? 1 yr le.. he's been changing gf after gf... n y m i rotting here?!
Dunoe hw cum i blog tis much. Cos i'm sick? Kinda moody... ... cant stop typing. Feel like buying a bicycle again.. .. sum bdaes cuming. Rg la weiren la rina la... ... tink i getting Melty Kisses 4 d both guys (muz get d same for both of dem) .. bt duno Watson still gt sell anot. If dun haf den i duno buy wad le...
btw...I hate to b sick. >.<
Friday, July 25, 2003
feel so sick nw.. germs r spreading thru d class. Wed i heard alex dor jaslyn cough..n now's d germ got into me. Everybody's Sick~~ lets haf a sick party for all sick-ers. Yeah. .. nw in EY class ar. D teacher teaching abt storyboard..n honest speaking i feel tt she cn teach me dreamweaver more than my WM teacher. . .
Long time din rilly get to c d guys play bball..saw sherina( n her bf?) at court. Duno wad shifu did bt he drop his lenses...cant find it bek. aiyoh... poor ricky gt hit twice (as far as i noe) once on d right (by bastard) n again on d left (wassit gerald?) .. hmm. violent play.. den kangwei cum n jim get off court. haha.. .. i juz realise dat kangwei cn join gerald in his "Twins effect 2"!!individual comments are --
too tired to type animore comments. ha. alex sae he saw xiwen at canteen 1..n saw rina marvin oso. hmm...xiwen dis xiwen dat. irritating ar!!!!!! wonder hw tall iz xiwen... hmm. rG sae gt semi-final at hougang later...huatien vs xue lian! i wana go i wana go i wana HOUGANG AR >.< no ppl pei me go............sianz!
Wednesday, July 23, 2003
Dat idiot bastard alex...make my hair damn messy.Okie me nw in OOP lesson.. bt it seems dat old man nt coming. N din even bother to leave a msg to tell us dere's no class. tmd. Aniway nw quite tired .. cos ran all d way from LT 22 go Blk 72 n bek again. Went dere to look for dat drum guy. ha. juz wana c his face la. No i dun wana noe hiM!!! Ha..iz like admiring a piece of art! Ppl like to c nice tings rite? Bek to dat drum guy...din get to c him! gerald suggested a lousy idea say go stand outside IS room n wait......Saw Xiwen instead ( dat bastard's crush la). She lk better in real person than in photo.. .. remind me of Pearl .. nt as Cheena look as rina said la. sweet... but din get to see her legs! argh~~~~ BUT. i saw benny n cedric ar.. cool~
Zicheng sae they din go sakae yest..they were planning to go on Thurs! aiyoh...blur la. Duno dat bitch going anot .. if she go i wun go! iz her or me! >.< ha... but aniwae i oso dun wana go la. mo qin ar!!! (dat oop old man juz walk in! claims dat he dino dat d lesson was at 3..) talking abt no $, my ma called last nite. Said she'll send me $120 todae along wif d PS. Ah yun ( my mei) chipped in $20..cos she knew i was damn broke. real touched. ^_^ (Alex they all juz walk in..cos hj informed dem old man lai liao) So long nv talk to old bean alr.. everytime i call he also dun wana listen. Or even when he picks up d phone we got nuthing to say. Kinda sad?
All thx to Mr Lim zc for reminding me dat Lunar July iz coming! Shit... ... this yr duno hw liao ar. Cant go home late. Cant go play bball at nite lu ... they sae gt ghost dat suck spirit of gals hu haf their mensus.. den when i haf mens hw ar?!
Tuesday, July 22, 2003
RG!! so sorrie! SOrry x 100 .. .. always 害你的 blog become not private. -.- gOmeN! I wun go read ur blog ever again (without using my lappy!) ! i promise!
D pix taken on Concert nite is out..quite nice pix! Esp the pix on Vincent (dat drum-guy) n Gerald.. Gerald lks much better in photo than in real life. ha. Plus d atmosphere n d lighting of the convention center... real good. Aniwae was asking Gerald wads d name of dat drum Vincent playing... he sae iz "big big drum". ha! Tink kaiwen iz dying to c d pix also... n of cos d gossips behind d pix.. .. will upload it a.s.a i reach wen's hse to scan in..
To all those hu were concern abt d bank loan thingy.. its settled! All i haf to do nw iz to wait 4 d fee voucher n thats it! ha... relieved~ 1 matter settled.. nw in WM class rotting to death. dat mr . money cant teach at all... n he dun even bother to make an effort btw. Waiting for lessons to end.. den cn go mit san lu~
Juz one more ting..back on d topic of d pix.. it was passed round 2 d guys at LT juz nw. pretty lot of scandals. ha. Hey juz because somebody stands/leans closer to another somebody doesnt mean he/she likes him/her! If liddat then i'm sure to consider as a les liao rite? Hmm... bt aniwae.. Since gerald took wif all of us ar ( me hj n wen).. i sort of make a comparison betw d 3 of us n him.... Huijuan n Gerald look like a couple! haha.... I look like a kid standing next 2 both of them... cao lao lk la dey 2! ha~
Sunday, July 20, 2003
HA! np band concert was suprisingly nice! tot it will b quite sleepy for me... cos i nt rilly into classical n jazz. hmm.... bt ar! rilly great! d concert was great! Gerald was greater! seh... he performed solo ard d last part.. last part leh! nt starting nt middle bt last 2nd song leh! bravo bravo! duno wad song did he played la... bt sound sort of sexy cum lazy to me la. ha. like gerald like dat. (erm..did i include sexy?ok forget it >.< ) den when his song ended.. hj sae d conductor patted him on d shoulder as he walk past...wah! so bei zhong si...! cant blif dat me n wennie actually heard him close up perform for us before...
took qt sum fotos.. upload later into my webby hor! quite anticipating oso ar... cos i took qt alot of dat guy hu played on dat..err..drum? ha! he remind me of derrick ar. aiyah... n he turns out to be gerald's sec sch fren ar. hmmm....heehee. ho. ( do i sound cunning? ) after d concert... waited outside 4 dat Mr.See to cum out take pix. Saw his shenze frenz waiting for him oso. waited till quite late...ard 1040+? he kinz kinz cum out pix. den kinz kinz went bek lu. ha. duno y bt gif me d impression dat he shld haf qt sum admirers in band. juz an impression la. cos like he qt sporty, bballer, so enthu in his he iz gd enuff to perform solo! so definitely gt secret admirers one la... den sumore juz nw we was scanning thru d stage band members ar.. he was one of those gd looking ones loh. so u can c hw pathetic d no. of shuai ge there r in band. haiz.
Settled d bank loan tis morn. thz sOoOoO much to my aunty, chia me mac breakfast den pei me go bank (she my guarantor). loan plus last 2 sem's CPF payment for my sch fees ar ===== i will be stuck in sgp for few more yrs after my graduation juz to pay debts. tsk. duno when cn go home ar........
since alex gave dat whole chunk of lecture on true love..felt like saying sth here oso. Dis true love fake love thing....I dun believe that there iz true love at all. I juz tink dat everyting will come to an end la..cos love iz onli a feeling. So wad for gifing it a nicer name as "true love"? So mani ppl claims 2 haf true love , do stupid tings for each other, leave their family for their "true lovers"... n end up wad they get? They get married n get divorced. Hell to true love.
Saturday, July 19, 2003
listen to songs he like.
try to like wad he likes.
hang ard in places he will most prob appear at.
putting myself in his shoes n try to see tings in HIS pt of view.
I feel like a pervert cum copycat. wad oso copy him. to eztreme... am i suppose to like d gal he like oso?
haiya... juz came bek from ktv wif san. she pay....madness liao. met her right after IS lessons at 5 n she kip insisting she NEEDS d ktv. ho. we went d new branch of sunlight ar~ cos cuppage no room liao. d new branch at HELLO Singtel dere(previously POPULAR dat floor).. songs exactly same as cupage la. no diff at all. bt i tink service dere better bah.. as in those waitor wun like kip walk n peep into ur rm..
Wana passed shifu lollipop todae bt couldnt find him. Dun haf his hp no... den end up 5+ saw seng dey all...seng sae shifu 1+ alr left to mit ex-shimu liao. hmmm... rilly rilly hope dey will patch. den i can eat d lollipop i ben lai wana gif shifu 1. >.<
btw on d way bek frm ktv we went HMV... den d stage dere (infront HMV level1) gt alot of models. damn obvious dey r models loh.... look at dere si bei guai lan attitude. n d damn-confident face. bt some of dem shen cai rilly so-so nia. gt 1 gal ar.. her waist look like 25/26 lidat... lidat oso can b model den IT gt alot of gals can oso go dere liao la. ANIWAE i tink dey rehearsing for sum stuffs la.. cos gt 1 cute guy sort-of showing a model (lets gif her a name first ar...mary la) d parading plan. den dis Mary ar...she gt d hair i wanted SO LONG! me n huijuan saw her at far east yest oso loh.... light brown wif pink streats! tmd. i nt doing it liao. later ppl sae i copy her. tsk. TMD!!!!!!
oh yar gt dat business model Alicia oso.. she quite tall leh. i dino dat. nv rilly stand so near her b4.. bt her make up ar.. haiz. dun understand hw cum guys like gals wif such a thick powder base on face. imagine u kissing her... n her foundation la,mascara la,blusher powder la, lip gloss/stick la stain on ur face. eee. sumore imagine her without make up... our IT lillian oso prettier den her loh.
Friday, July 18, 2003
short day in sch todae...went dere for electives classes den cn siam liao. most bo liao ting iz gotta bring laptop for dat 1 period of WM. lame. sumore tt teacher did nth bt walk in, walk out, flash stuffs on board for us to type in (which iz plain copying) n times up! cn go hm liao. i rather he teach. cos tis sem i will be studying beri beri hard.....for money! d scholarship la... i tink nt easy to get ar. cos soOoOoO mani ppl applying. Aniwae toking bek to teachers ar... tink tis sem OOP teacher rilly sux. yest afternoon gt his class, den i was like trying to figure out hw to do. naturally if u aniting u duno u sure ask teacher rite? bt dat si lao ah pek teacher onli helped me twice den ignore me liao... cos most of d time he was helping to dat chio lady next to me loh. si tiko. so old liao still lidat. sux.
todae noon ar... went town wif huijuan. SHOPPING MATTERS! ha. (rilly walk walk walk for damn long) stayed in fareast almost d whole noon, den wisma topshop, heeren, den cine. Sort of choose from top to toe for her ar..hope she like my taste la~ haha~ ANIWAE onli she buy la..i manage to kip my wallet closed....torture. bt nw my wishlist is 3 pages liao. ha! mostly kan zhong tops la..i wana gif up d sporty image liao(ok boy or wadeva)..proceed on to jap gal? hohoho...gotta wait for oct den cn change image. so long....... tink guys mite tink tis iz bo liao bah. bt gals r liddat one loh. every half yr will haf urge to change image. ha. take tis down k. aniwae... duno hw cum todae dere r so mani shuai ges in town. fareast level 1 gt 1 SHUAI hairdresser, heeren gt 2; 1 at Ming and d other at dat Kevin shop. .. huijuan pajiao all nv c. ha. she oso er xin la... onli gt heart for one person nia. yucks.
hmm...shifu n his gf broke liao. was like asking him yest whether he miting shimu, den he juz replied "we broke liao.yest." TIO SHOCK.....tot dey both damn steady. hmmm.....tink i gif him lollipop to cheer him up bah. ha. like everytime dat san brk wif zai lidat....i oso treat her sth. hmm....hw mani times did i chia her liao ar... sandy koh! stop breaking n patching! brk once n for all la! i broke liao leh!
ppl around me seems to getting sentimental nowadays....includes alot of ppl la. making me emotional oso. feel rilly depressed. sumore todae dat ting happen... ... duno hw to sae oso. sumtimes sum tings juz dun happen d way u wan dem to b. esp when u dun even noe wad u wan. bt sum tings i dun wana to c happen ar..... c? gals can be soo damn confusing.
Tuesday, July 15, 2003
Loads and loads of memories heaped as one
I named it history as more to come
Memories of you History for two
Great ones or tragic moments there were a few
There were somedays when I wanted so much
just to trail back the roads and back to square one
There are somedays I needed no one
No one else but you.
Stumbling like a child but I was a kid no more
I wished I could be as young as before
Kept looking back Yet never can go back
I wasnt made to be that strong
There were somedays when I wanted so much
just to trail back the roads and back to square one
There are somedays I needed no one
No one else but you.
I was told to let go but never taught how
There were rough times before but I made it till now
I wana get back
I need to get back
To where I was before with you around
Monday, July 14, 2003
first time using San's lappy update blog...hen bu shun shou ar. tok abt last nite stuffs first. met wennie for dinner cos her sis pangseh her..went kfc eat den saw qt alot of bballers ard,n suspecting dere was a bball match at csh.. we went n guess hu we c!!!??? NAMSAN!!!whaha~ damn suprised loh! ha~ damn long nv c them play ar~ n qilin was rilly...GREAT!!wah seh his last shot was like onli a slight degrees off loh..or else namsan would haf won by 1 pt. bt aniwae ar.... d opponent JINGHE was beri pro. rebounds la kong qiu la all rilly goot...n their stamina were considered goot liao( for uncles lai jiang la)..... hmm.....NAMSAN RULEZ!!!!!
aniwae abt todae ar..went to d ssc juz nw. half settled d tuition feez still nd to go DBS wif my aunty to submit n wait for them to grant me d loan. aiyah.... yi tian nt settled yi tian bu xing an ar...aiyoh aiyoh .... (san iz damn kp nw..she juz cant stop toking)
saw dat shuai ge in LT todae again! den saw him again in canteen 2.... oh yar in lt hall. rp n those ppl behind toking abt my head.*yar head nt hair.they change target.* sae wad flat la wad round..wad the hell~ ar~ overheard them saying wad "which class gal iz cutest" or wadeva crap la. WATCH OUT U PPL.>.< we gals hafen even start complaining abt u guys. bleahz. hmm...wad else ar. saw tt bitch when me n huijuan walking to ssc. she saw me oso....den her fren like whisper sth to her. duno her la. idiot bitch. n so wad if she's chioer than me? she still a bitch.
eh....ricky intro dat Mark to me to dye hair. sae ard 20 bucks liddat (dats wad ricky sae la)..wilson twc oso gg leh. hmm...duno whether cn get wen pei me go. hmm....toking abt ricky ya. hmm....alex(or was it zc) todae ask me hu d shuaiest guy in our class. erm....duno leh. all nt hao kan. (san nods her head) bt hmm...every one you ta zi ji de hao chu bah. list one by one ar.
1.lim zi cheng ----- looks like a mickey mouse. cute loh.
2.gerald see ----- looks like vampire. he can film TWINS EFFECT 2.
3.Alex lee ----- robber face. fierce. an quan gan la.
4.Guan seng ----- he looks gd when he wear specs. like porno film director.
5.Shifu ----- cant sae aniting. cos i scared shi mu curse me.
6.RongPo ---- si ah gua. pineapple head.
7.Ricky ----- nw look ah beng. shy bt cute la. seems like cn b bullied.
8.HangLoon ----- Cn sing jay chou's song. terrible la. bt cn sing.
9.Jim ----- he gt a v-cam?
Saturday, July 12, 2003
Emergency fund!!EMeRgEncy FuND!!!EMERGENCY FUND!!!
went for all my IS lessons todae..hmm, chu le last module others r quite fun la.erm dun tink many ppl agree ar... bt ar~ hmm. i rilly tink financial planning is great! cos whole lesson i juz sit dere calculate money. woohoo~ bt count count count till i fan liao. dis mth iz d worst among whole yr. ani one willing to sponser more than oil blotters? i'll b more than willing to gif u a kiss.hohoho....
gt a serious letter last nite. real shocker. haiz. (m i nt suppose to sae here?) called my ma straight away..she sae she will settle. haiz...i tink muz go for abortion liao. .. no la crapz la k. ha. bt aniwae kinda touch la. tough times coming ahead. sianz. sianz. si bei sianz. gAnbaTtE nE!>,<
last stuffs for todae...hmm. i sort of irritated by sum small stuffs he did todae. nt irritated la.. bothered? mo iiyo.
Wednesday, July 09, 2003
tired tired tired tired tired TIRED ... every wed 9 to 5 no brk anitime cn tio gastric ar~ -_-..
Amy n her bf broke up.. hai~ long distance relationship rilly cant last. felt abit sad abt it. 2 yrs+ n juz gone like tt.. duno wad happen oso. difficult to communicate wif her online ar.. .. ..wondering which side gt another partner 1st.
Tuesday, July 08, 2003
H.E.L.L.O!!!! ha... todae 2nd dae of sch liao hor~ hmm.... nt rilly alot of stuffs to update bt..... i saw alot of ppl wif diff image! eg class ricky la~ wah seh~ his hair dye till SO DAMN BROWN.. n guess wad. iz onli 20 bucks!!!!! >.< he look more yandao wif his new colored hair la.... den eh~ ex-schmate brenda la~ she oso change image liao. gel n styled her hair... me got a shock when c her. hmmmm....... i damn pissed off wif my... hair! cos rp sae it lk gong,regina sae it lk like an egg... ... hai. -.-
aniwae lots of stuffs nd to buy ar... txtbks la esp. sort of calculated it will total up to ard $71. sianz. sumore toothpaste finish liao,lens solution finish liao,contact lens still hafen order, shampoo oso......ha! time for grocery shopping? Mo QIn ar!!!!!! (meanz no $) hmm.... tot tings thru n tink i shld start another bank acc... juz 2 deposit n nt withdraw. n hw m i going to achieve tt? simply dun apply ATM card for dat acc la! ha... den can save up for my future shop... whahahha~
hmm....dis 2 daez ar.. c class pplz again. felt sort of wierd? cos like long time nv c nv together or wad.. bt aniwae din rilly get to any classes so far. tml bah. tml whole dae core sub.... n hmmm. for sum stuffs ar. felt even more wierd. ha. nvm. tis a gals ting....guyz wun get it. =P
Sunday, July 06, 2003
Pei rina half a day at 2-way..c her streat her hair...hmm~ i wana dye hair oso! n i cut my hair AGAIN.. nt nice 1. bt i still gt my zigzag fringe la..hoho~ yuan lai i haf alot loyal supporters of my blogs ar (tis simply proofs hw many kpoz ppl i have as fren) .. lets do headcount. Alex, rina, rg, jim, san, wennie, cant tink animore @ d moment... nt bad ar. 5 leh. ha.
continue frm yest... tis iz d guy version. 10 ways hw to c a gal like u. plz do double-checking....start!
1.She makes eye contact and smiles at you. (or even if she looks away embarressed that you had noticed her looking at you
2.She calls you for homework..... a lot!!
3.She says "No, I'm not telling you who I like!!" with a big smile on her face.
4.She asks you who you like or who you would go out with seeming interested.
5.When you go to the movies with a bunch of your friends, she's almost always next to you.
6. She criticizes (put downs) the girl you like.
7. Her friends outside of school know about you and say she talks of you a lot.
8.She may be to shy to talk in person.. she talks alot on the phone or net to you..
9.She will try and talk and spend time with you as much as possible.
10.She knows stuff about you like your birthday, eye color, favorite color, screen name, favorite food, favorite band, what music you like and favorite sport.
Friday, July 04, 2003
keep deleting stuffs i rite...duno wad to blog. hmm... wiping my bball juz nw. Iz in a terrible state!!! hw ar hw ar.. ani one gt ani advice in hw to kip a bball in gd condition? ... kaiwen was telling abt dat nite at zouk wif elin dey all... hmm~ seems to me dat she qt enjoyed herself. ha... heng i din go dat nite... or else i will b d onli one insisting in leaving! ya ya i m boring i m a nerd k.. i rather go lib. >.<
the following stuffs quite interesting. gt tis mail long ago frm wennie~ n leaving here for sum frenz to use as checklist. ha. Title iz 10 ways to know if a guy likes u.... check tis out!!!!!
1. He threw away his laser pointer after youtold him you think they promote random acts of violence.
2. He remembers little things you mention in casual conversation.
3. He sometimes stare straight into ur eyes.
4.He blew off his buds to go see "Run Away Bride" with you cause you couldn't get another girl pal to go and you didn't want to go alone.
5.Forget your jacket? You can wear his.
6.His voice get softer ("Hey you") whenever you two talk.
7.You hung up on him and he called you back.
8.You were invited by him to a group outing.
9.He called you to talk to you about nothing at all.
10. He imitates your laugh- okay, you do snort sometimes, which makes you laugh even more!!
for guyz... if u dun like d gal n doesnt wish dat she gets d wrong idea... dun do ani of d above!!!!
HaRrY poTtER cOmplEtEd!!!
bia 2 nights juz to finish it n return 2 wennie asap cos i alr cut queue ( as in borrowing d bk) .. haha~ it will b bek in ur hands safely tml wennie!!!!!! nw deciding whether 2 watch twins effect wif rina n marvin tml... i duno repeat hw mani times liao -- I M DAMN SHITTY BROKE! i tink i onli can watch it after 8th... sad. i'll miz my charlene. >.<huijuan msg tis morn 2 tell me dat all of us manage 2 get WM!!!! ha... happie ~ bt nt same class ar .. nvm la hor~ independent! hmm... sch reopening next mon. sort of looking forward? ha. miz sch!!!!!! Meantime ar... gt alot of stuffs wana get done. Bk air tix la, buy contacts la, top up bus stamp la, complete d 50 rounds of ABCs la...... n yar! i wana dye my hair... probably light light brown hair wif pink streats.. or blonde streats? hmm.. tink abt it 1st. most impt iz... MONEY!!!!!!
next ting... me n san was toking abt girly n boyish stuffs juz nw. den i was sort of comparing myself wif another gal in our course dat ALSO wear big big tees n baggy. i cant rilly understand... we r wearing similar stuffs wad. hw cum she still lk so girly n i lk so boy. tmd. san sae cos she gt long hair... hmm.. wad u all tink? voice ur views... bt NO PERSONAL ATTACK iz welcome. thank you for your cooperation. >.<
Thursday, July 03, 2003
ARGH~ suntan 2 hrs plus still nt darker...hmm. DISAPOINTED IN SGP'S SUN!!! spent almost d whole dae @ wennie's hse...lunch la dinner la bao ga liao. hoho. we were qt lucky cos we got inside d hse b4 it started raining.. .. den we started rotting. ha. sang ktv la, tok cok la, read bks la *i managed 2 get hold of d harry potter 5!!!* forcing my way thru dat 38 chpts nw.. n i'm onli at chpt 15!! haiz... duno hw to make it by tonite....
hey next stuff! i've been re-reading thru my old entries.. ..n realised tt iz true! my whole blog almost riting abt 1 person onli! wad d.... . sorrie i bored u guyz ar~ haha~ aniwae tis juz a place 4 me 2 crap sum of my emotions. ha. bt wun die if i bottle up oso la! ha~
ani1 read alex's blog? tink wad he said abt "BoyFren" n "Gd Fren" material qt true ar.. though me din rilly understand d 3rd par. ha...ok ANIWAE, i used 2 tink dat most sgp guys r d same. same pattern. Eg scenario a gal confesses to a guy she like him2 common type of reaction ---
1. Ill treats her. the more unhappy she gets the happier he becomes. totally sadistic.
2. Flirts with her. Mislead her. Make her wait for him. Give a thousand lame excuses y both of dem cant b together...while actualli he wun even wana b wif her in d 1st place. Bastards.
n gosh i was wrong. sum endangered species r still surviving here... ... gals GRAB dem while stocks last! ha... bt warning iz..tis kind of guys damn hard to understand. ha. u try 2 confuse dem they make u even more confused. (m i rilly toking crap?) ha....
I wana dye hair!! i wan i wan i wan~ n i oso wana cut hair! n i wan buy Biotherm latest products ar~ my face nw damn bad! Anyone wana donate to ABFCA(Ah Bon Facial Care Association)????broke... n alot pplz bdaez cuming up ar.. hao ma fan ar! hmm.... oh yar d previous song i blog in ar~ dun blame me if d tune iz nice. i din sae it was!!!! bt d lyrics nice la. ANIWAE 1 song 2 intro dl.... Jolin's "dang yi tian de ni"... tis rilly nice! no bluff!