Monday, June 30, 2003
pei huijuan go bek sch todae..hmm..her laptop down agaiN! tsk....she sae she wana cai le toshiba de zhao pai. haha...aniwae ar~ i nd $$ badly! muz muz get a tuition assg asap. -_- bt difficult to find esp ard tis time.. fan ar~
Jolin's <假面的告白> Suits d whole situation?ho.
我不要爱 我不要爱
假面的告白 不坦白的坦白
你不会爱 你不会爱
眼睛睁不开 看不到未来 也哭不出来
Sunday, June 29, 2003
Dread to grow up. Dread to make choices. Dread to face up. I'm a scary cat.
Din wanted to blog.. came online looking for sumone.So end up filling up crap here. Start to tink alot. Time really passes rilly fast. Frm pagers to hp, frm SR to bball, frm Sunny to him.. ... driven out frm dat well fenced-up protected area for ard 2 yrs liao. I'm getting scared. Duno still stuck here for hw mani years. Dun even noe if i'm going bek... or if i can go bek? Feels muchiam starting life at another familiar yet unfamiliar place. .. i really dread d day for me to choose.
Tot abt rilly too much tis few days..(lin sure sae i making tings complicated for myself).. .. seems like shen bian gt few frenz either starting or ending a relationship nowadays. hmm... happie for those tt i shld b happie.. n sorri for those sad ones? Cheer up folks!!!! my last advice iz.. i rilly tink gan jue iz beri impt la. Act b4 d gan jue iz gone! rather act n regret than din do aniting n wished tt u did rite!!??
Saturday, June 28, 2003
dat bastard cant cum out todae.. wanted ask him help do sth.. suan le. >.< sort of tinking mite mit todae sumore.
hmm... .. duno wad d ssc doing. so rich yet si bei giam din build more sheltered bball court... .. nowadays kip raining ar~ cant play bbalL!!!!!
Okie. bo liao kiaz out dere plz dun copy n paste dis in irc AGAIN. juz felt like saying.. .. abt dat fa zhan ting. din rilly wan wad ting to happen la. it was juz a comment. nth will happen oso. i noe tt. haha.... >_<
Friday, June 27, 2003
long blog todae....juz to entertain sum bored ppl -.-
went eat swenson todae wif san ar.. bake rice la rodeo wings la ice cream la.. salivating ppl? i tink i onli wana vomit. damn full cos muz use finish d $40 voucher. haha. tok alot ar...hear san tok abt japan's stuffs. I wana go japan ar~ even cant buy aniting oso cn. juz wana go n explore d place. rilly rilly wan! heard dat japan's street iz full of shuai ges.. hmm....hohoho~
tight tight match..ha. went dere support er zi n oso huatien..contradicting hor? hu cares~ reach dere TOO EARLY..den seats kong kong de no ppl...paiseh to sit over at huatien oso...haha~ bt still sat dere la.ho.^0^ nice match ar... dick iz rilly gd!(in case u r tinking dirty..dick iz a players name).. idol idol!!!!! huatien rilly haf stamina here run dere oso like nt rilly tired.. no 7..lan ban nt bad. bt dun tink he center bah. i dun rilly know hw to c ar.. like er zi is center ar, i kip tinking he's nt! haha~ lousy~
feel like i saw a match dat rilly shows sportsmanship. cos like huatien, althou dey sort of rowdy n noisy, bt dey din boo dere opponents when dere opponent missed a shot. n tagawa too.... can c dey din gif up till d last sec. great teams! nt like sum childish teams.. .. onli noe hw to boo opponent n kp. >.<
lIN!!! i rilly damn happie for u ar~ haha~ hen kai xing hen kai xin! muchiam my daughter getting married lidat! hohohoho~ all d best for u la..^-^ ganbatte!!!!!!
dat idiot .. say wana send me d rest of d song tonite den nt online. sure iz c me den offline. bastard. if u sneezed all nite den u shld noe dat i'm scolding u la.
Thursday, June 26, 2003
hmm... nt rilly in a gd or bad mood. Played bball wif kw again... i tink both of us IMPROVED! *clapz* hmmm n we plan to settle 50 rounds of ABC in 2 mths... whaha.. dats our little dream. ^-^ saw zhilong juntian youjin at clementi mac...hmm..long time nv c namsan idols! miz their matches... .. . .. . (lost in memories..)
SaW fuxiang n gege at Ccc..heez~ wah d twins rilly lk so alike! last nite me n kw was like tinking "dat one iz gege or didi?" .. bt gege more frenli to me la so i like gege more...whahaha~ aniwae chatted awhile... tok crap... haiz. me n kw shld came at nite to play. den cn play wif dem. aHhHHhhHHHhhHH~ .. haiz.
Wednesday, June 25, 2003
mit up wif kw for d sake of bball.... hmm din c d gege of d twins bt saw d didi...(dun tink anyone get wad i saying?except kw...-shy-)
Few days din rilly tok abt tis liao... bt erm. >_< haiz. Sort of met wif a feeling dat i'm getting nowhere. Quite diff as other's crushes feelings? As in at least things happen n hurting words cum n go quickly. Tis iz kinda.....hmm... draggy(iz dere such a word?). Chat wif elin juz nw...seems dat her crushes ting r proceeding. ^_^ happie for her oso la~ n mine? dun tink dere can b animore fa zhan le..
Tuesday, June 24, 2003
BoReD. Bored to death.
hmm.. d extract of d song(previous date) was brandy's "Have You Ever" .. lin intro dat song couple of yrs ago.. din rilly pay attention to it til last yr.. great song. Esp when listened at nite. Hmm... another song strongly recommended 4 stupid gals to listen at nite n cry till u die --- Joey Yung's "Tao bi ni". go dl k. bt no point if u dun understand canto la... unless go get d lyrics la.
Monday, June 23, 2003
hMmm.. ..listened to rina n add a tag-board.. thx rg 4 helps. U r cute k!! Serious. ..! .. hmm last 2 weeks of hols lu.. bia ktv bia bball bia reading.. realised i nv rite animore abt crushes? cos tink no point writing. ha. ha.
Have you ever loved somebody
it makes you cry
Have you ever needed something so bad
you cant sleep at night
Have you ever tried to find the words but
they dont come out right
Have you ever? Have you ever.
Sunday, June 22, 2003
3 hrs KTV? or more? ahem ahem... no voice!!! shi sheng le... .. ha.. sang like mad @ kw's hse. Liang jing ru la, yan zi la, sammi la,elva la~ haha... so fun.Anione heard SHE's version of "Wo bu nan guo"?or SHIN's style "Yong qi"?haha.. cum n hear sumday..^o^
met willy on d way home.. haha.. he said he paid $1200 for fone bills!! wah seh.. nv hear b4. aniwae he was like waiting 4 fren? dunno him ar.. bt end up walk me home. tok crap la..tok abt hair la job la.. called me go sentosa. ha. hey cum on i cant wear swimsuit!!!!
hmm.. dis noon read my own blog still black bg.. duno hw cum nw white? aniwae... nice songs sent by Alex. Strongli recommended for funerals -- In my life (Dave Mathews version)
Saturday, June 21, 2003
hohoho....welcum all regular kapos n boliaoz nw doing NUTING @ kw hse(ok la.listen songs)... nice mood todae. nice sun. nice weather. nice singaporeanz. everyting's nice!!!woohoo~ NPAL still sux. went bek sch todae find deputy head 2 complain abt d f!cking system, n all she could help was 2 tel me send email to dat mr pham n wait till 4th July for news. wad d .. .. hO! nvm. ah bon in hohoho mood.
hmm...todae nd to explain yi xia abt font colors ar... c ar.. dis iz d list of my font colors n emotions~
- orange - -- - normal mood
- blue - -- - sad?depressed?down?
- green - -- - alert. impt stuffs.
- pink - -- -- crush stuffs . ha.
- red - -- -- no meaning. juz try to attract attention.lolz
- aqua - -- -- in d "hohohoho" mood
Hmm aniwae went pass dat alex lee air pump juz nw la.. no way he going 2 get aniting juicy news frm me~ hohohoho ... haiz~ wanted 2 go watch match at 108 todae 1 ar.. bt din manage 2 noe wad teams playing.. asked reagan bt he 4got.. din wana always go fan rg.. den end up nv go~ .. . .
NPAL SUX. rilly sux. rina said dat juz nw when she trying 2 help me enrol. den i tried it oso. wah lao. i tot iz my dialup lag. den idiot hang here hang dere. huijuan kip kaopei sae kana kick la, cant get in la n stuffs. np damn lousy ar... sch add so mani doors build so mani extra tings den d server so lao ya. tsk.
Friday, June 20, 2003
SaN iz BEK!!!!
haha...she msg me when she came bek sgp... tot can IMM go KTV bt pig sae she nd get enuff slp 1st.. zhu jiu shi zhu. Aniwae... pei rina go cut hair.. her hair no diff la.. aiyah.. ... starting 2 get inferior when go out wif rina nowadays. Sth wrong wif me? cant get elin's stuffs out of my mind. .. .... i din wana tink abt it.
-dun tink dun tink dun tink dun tink dun tink dun tink dun tink dun tink dun tink-
went shop at DAISO.. haha.. bought.. hmm... pot la, bowl la,jar la,diary la.... muchiam wad ah soh go market liddat.lolz~ bt rilly alot tings buy ar~ sumore damn cheap~ hmm toking abt cheap stuffs.. ma gif $ to ching call her help me buy clothes ar n den send over.. hmm.. LAteST cLotHEs fRm Hk~!!~!~!~! ching's taste nt bad... c her bf shld noe la.. =) n toking abt bfs ar... rina n hers ar.. rilly sweet ar... -xian mu- !!!!!!!!! rilly ke yu bu ke qiu sia.
yeah i tink ppl like waiting me 2 update on crush.(rina sae my entire blog iz on crush..lolz) ok here it is.
Asked my kor for advice last nite... he sort of sae muz tink carefully b4 telling him cos gotta face dat guy for quite a long time.. den sumore hu noes i might lost him as a fren when i confess. .. . . .. dunnoe ar. fan la. i din rilly tink abt tis "losing him as a fren" part b4. tell? dun tell? pros n cons .. i din rilly tink so much at first. nt my style. ha. discussed wif kw EVERYDAE abt tis ting. tink she oso cant b bothered liaoz? aniwae sum told me "hw abt dropping hints?". yar i tried. tons n kilos of hints. he din get it. nt at all.
I dunno hw cum dis ting iz getting so irritating. Last time like wilson like derrick oso nt so fan.. .. ! u sux. rilly u sux. i no longer understand myself. hai. bastard cn u get out of my life!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, June 19, 2003
HiYa... juz came bek frm 108 court... another match! saw weiren dere ar.. .. hmm n *-suprise-* saw d 2 sinkee guys dere...(at least i TOT dat dey were sinkee ppl bt weiren sae dey all along iz whyenam) .. SingapOre iz so small! haha.... hmm nv rilly pay attention 2 d rongda match.. .. went tok cok wif huijuan @ d playground... tok abt my crush la, HER crush la.. ha~ gals tok.
2 NEW IDOLS -- -- -- !!! (drumroll plz) ~~~~~~~~~
whyenam 7 n Saints 4! ha! both me n hj trying to count which of d 2 haf a higher % of scoring. .. haha.. result iz dat... .. Saints 4 won by onli a mere 1 %! *clapz clapz clapz*san still hafen cum bek frm Japan ar.. she like taking ages dere.... MIZ HER!! n her mags n her mini fan n her... oppz. ha. ok la. rilly miz her la. wait 4 her cum bek pei me go ktv. whahahaha.....
hmm.. crushie part... recieve dat stupid alex msg dis morn... anione dat belif dat they r more bo liao den him plz inform me. ha. hmm.. .. .. still struggling between tell and dun tell. tink abt all d consequences. imagine when sch reopenz. tink abt all d big mouths in my class. hmm. bt nt telling seems 2 b a waste of time. might as well get over n get done wif it. rejected or stay as frenz or insulted or get laughed at... .. i tink i sound so negative. bt i rilly getting more n more depressed day by day ar. ha. hao fan ar. -_-
Wednesday, June 18, 2003
Hmm...duno hw cum i did so mani stuffs to my blog bt it onli cums out okie in d when i open using d webby iz different?
Juz came bek frm match... tagawa vs yishun n HUA TIEN vs guanhe... haha...hw cum i highlighted huatien in red?cos they r my latest idols after namsan mah~!! next yr...dunno namsan still around anot loh... -sad- .. .. meanwhile can get another spare idol 1st.Aniwae... got saw my idol ~! hua tien no 8 ---- -- -- - DICK! heez... steady kw sae he kinda AA(attract attention) n haolian ar.... .. same pattern as desmond, my opinion la.. .. haiz... nw he's nt d same as he was .. -sad again-
Next ting .. new update abt crushie.. hohoho ... i change my mind in telling him or wad. ha. cos i tink.... .. erm, cant sae =x bt i haf my own reasons la... dun ask k! bt ar... hu noez dat i might change my mind again!? girls r fickle minded ... n i'm a gal! ha!
An advice to all those kapo ppl out dere asking me EVERYDAE .. dun tink too much. hmm.. .. bt isnt it obvious!!?? hohoho...i'm so wicked... trying 2 mislead u guys all along... haha~
Tuesday, June 17, 2003
HIyA pplz! haha...todae in a damn good mood.... lalala >.< beri nan de i so good mood sia~
aniwae i was like expecting to mit kw 4 end up we din... went walk ard westmall to get sum of her stuffs...hmm..den ard 4 liddat decided to mit alex n gerald 2 watch match at jurong loh... call dat stupid lim zc go end up he din go~ pang seh! ..... -.-
of cos me n kw went dere 1st loh....den went find seats n stuffs. 1st time cuming 2 tis bball court... damn small!!
( complaintzzz!!)
wad else ar.... ok la wasnt rilly paying much attention to d match.. cos dat alex la! crapping like mad... kw laugh till buey ta han... ha. too busy wif d both of them. ha. aniwae din tink dat d match was exciting la. hoho.
hey ... u guys stop guessing la! too mani wild guesses liao... haha... none of u will get it though. forget it k!!!! haha... tink i might as well expose d answer. maybe this week u guys will noe liao. whahhahaha. cos u noe wad.....?
i'm telling him.