Wednesday, July 01, 2009

I'm an idiot. I changed the password, I noted the password, I still got it all wrong. Now the email accounts locked, my computer's the only one that can access to it cos I'm already logged on anyway.

Its the company email!!!!!

Im an idiot.
Im an idiot.
Im a flat chested idiot!


I thought he was a friend. And so he was.

And then I thought there was something more to it. And so it seems.

And now it seems like, I'm scratching a tunnel out of a hole.
The hole is still a hole. I'm blessed that I still have my fingers in tact, no blood, no nails coming off, no tarnished nail polish......


You never know a blessing in disguise when its still IN DISGUISE.

I'm supposed to go on a Malaysia run this morning, Malaysia guide arranged, itinerary pre-planned and stuffs. Was fretting over it last night, matching my clothes to get the safest (and poorest but still fashionable looking) look this morning till an SMS cancelled the whole plan.

For no reason, I brought my passport along with me. And for no reason, I flipped through my Visa pages and OMG. MY RE-ENTRY PERMIT EXPIRED ON 15TH APRIL 2009. The last time this happened, I was at Changi airport with my return ticket, they let me in on a basis that I report to ICA immediately the following morning. And in case you dont know, being a PR does not equals to allowing me going in and out of singapore as and when I want.

I pay for the taxes like Singaporeans do, and the 10% service charge when I hardly get any service, and my more expensive education fees, plus I dont get GST offsets ------ and I need to pay for coming into SINGAPORE every year!!!!!

I'm going to pay another 50 bucks for my 5 year re-entry permit again!!!!

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