Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Driving myself crazy by last minute shoot confirmation! This usually means that I've got only a day to search and get hold of those hard-to-get models/talents, begging and selling my dignity to persuade big shots to go down for projects.

Been rather stressed out for the past week and I get easily irritated at the slightest pressure. Work doesnt seems as fun as it used to be. And I'm getting phonephobia....I dread the phone to the extent that I almost wanted to pluck the cord and toss that goddamn machine out of the window.

I want a holiday!

Seems like most people will be absent for the planned taipei trip in September, I've already lost count on who's going and who's not. What i have in mind is, 4 days in Taipei then direct flight to Hong Kong for my mum's birthday, 3 days stay before I drag myself back.

This was very long ago in March, manage to hunt for time to resize and upload....sorry giena!

The state of the birthday girl.

Its a cake, not a bomb, why do u look so scared?

Everyone gather!

We got her a Chanel pressed powder *v*

This proofs that I REALLY slimmed down, its taken in march btw.

Mun forgot that its her birthday, when we told him that we're celebrating Giena's bday, he quickly grabbed a packet of duno what and stuck this note to it. Its the thoughts that counts....or is it not?

CLASS GATHERING NOTICE: 7th June 2008 (Saturday) @ Zouk for Ricky's birthday. For pressie information, contact me!