Thursday, October 20, 2005

Bonita says, "I finally blogged!"

U won't believe it, I'm actually still using dialup. Sumore is Np dialup...mine has been terminated very soon after I left Np (giam so I'm using Kimmy's account instead. Ha. Now that she has graduated....I wonder how long will Np take to terminate hers account......haiz. Anybody has some great (cheap is what I really meant) bb plans to intro plz tag.

Myworkiseatingintosomuchofmyprivatetime. I regret telling my bosses that I dun mind OT! They're now taking it for granted... ..."bon...tonight help me pass this to XX client @ 7." or "ah bon ah...this one I wan by today(by d time she says this already 530 le) leh cos tml I wana meet XX client le" or "U mind doing OT today? I actually need u to blah blah blah blah blah.". ROLL EYES. Like I have a choice ..........

I'm oh so into accesorries. Jelly beans earrings victorian brooches retro necklaces turqoiuse this-and-that....muack. Kinda neglect my wardrobe....hmmmm. Though I've been dying to get those oh-so-nice victorian blouses and oh-so-nice cropped jacket >_<

This is probably the longest war I had with my parents. I just put down the phone....regretted that I called. I shouldnt have called. I really shouldnt. My mom apologised...but she still thinks that its actually no big deal. She thinks kids should not be too xiao qi. XIAO QI. Try me..I can be even more xiao qi.

I've totally break contact with my bro le. A guy that I relied on for these years. And now. Bye bye. Tsk tsk.

Friday is coming!!! finally!!I wana watch tv watch vcd go fareast shopping try cosmetics @ taka go watch my corspe bride eat breko read finish my library book go facial sing k do some exercise