YoKattA! 终于染好我的头发了... 比之前那个黄头好很~多~!还好那天跟 San 拍 neoprint 留作纪念... 一辈子不是每次都会这么敢染黄leh. Rina sae my new hair color much nicer ar ... nw dat i bleach my hair le, very difficult to dye dark colors ar. Cos todae Mark gotta dye it twice juz 2 produce a darker shade of brown. D 1st round my hair was still yellow!! 好夸张呀~
一整天待在 town area, Rina 买衣服。她花了好多钱买衣,我花了好多钱吃 ~ 哈哈哈 >_< 蛮开心啦 ... only dat 一直有点担心还没做完 WM... Aniwae she meet up wif Jane for awhile. N kelvin oso! Shit ar...很不好意思。只好一直不出声 ... act like i anti-social lidat. 也不懂要怎么面对他啊...可能是心理作用, 每次想到那时候那件事就觉得 很 paiseh >.< haha ~ bt 他ok la.aniwae...nt my fault dat time 会认错人啊。cos rina sae marvin 也是说 ICT 有一个人跟 Kelvin 长的非常像 ( i tink cfm iz referring to darryl loh ).
很想换 image...only no money. 突然又很喜欢那种比较girl 的衣服 , like those 花花裙啦,背心啦,blouse la...wadeva la. Juz kind of sian wad i'm wearing nw. Wait till i cum bek HongkoNG! TransformatioN! 七十二变!
Sunday, September 14, 2003
Fridae , Disaster day
每次在最最最~不想看到熟人也不想被熟人看到的时候,偏偏会看到很多人。本来讲好 meet Hj @ clementi bustop..but end up she woke up late. Din wana be late for d consulatation session (IMC class), din dare to take bus alone wif tis type of A.A hair alone...end up take cab. 浪费钱!!bo bianz...reach dere still din dare alight at atrium...drop off @ lt 22 dere...damn shit loh. Waited outside d class alone...n all except Rein came 4 d session. All our stuffs were wif d grp leader loh..end up 白去了一趟...wtf. >.< waste my cab money...
很忙啊!!超级忙!!Todae din work wif d ah-lian ( grace ), work wif d korean-star-lk-alike Jenny. 她人蛮好的...比较主动跟我讲话,哈哈 ~ 还请我吃东西! 请吃东西的人通常不坏啦 ~ ^_^ 超多顾客, esp 很多买礼物给朋友的人。。。很多人生日是在九月 meh?
本来阳光普照的,不懂为什么下起了雨...新加坡天气反复无常. By d time i met Hj alr quite a handful ppl saw my hair le...though i wearing cap. Imagine if i nv wear cap...even worst loh. Damn uneasy...like everywhere u go, ppl will like, wana stare bt dun dare stare lidat ... overall 来讲,弹多过赞啦. Onli dat wilson tan n another 2 gals sae iz nice... speaking of wilson tan. Damn suey ar!! iz like i was telling Hj "最怕就是看到他... " den d moment we walk out of Co-op, i spot joseph n sally...den was tinking wilson cfm iz nearby le. 下一秒我已经看到他了!!而且他也看到我!Juz realise dat my cap's so 抢手...每个人都想把它摘下来....
Saturday ...work day
Aniwae...din feel so bad going town wif tis hair den going sch. Cos erm...没有认识的嘛!哈 ~ 发现来我们店的女生皮肤都好像蛮好的..duno y. Argh~!!~!~~!~! 我的皮肤越来越差了...so sad. A今天终於发薪水了!although onli $47.25...but alr damn happie le ~ yest still telling san dat i no $ ar...希望可以快点拿到这个月的吧!
Qt enjoy being salesgal...onli dat 脚真的会很酸 >.< 开始同情我妈,做了 sales 做了这么久...no wonder she always complain sae she beri tired. D first few hours of work still can smile leh...after 4-5 hrs d smile disappear le. Cos damn tired till u cant even smile. Next time dun dare complain wad salesgal so dao or attitude le...cos really damn tired de.