Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Colleagues are very impt, i realise. Imagine having to dread going to work every weekend just because you have a sucky partner... ...>,< Anyway...i got my pay frm that formal-wear shop le. Slightly more than i expected...ha. Got myself a zhang say i'm messy-flower-money (plz translate into chinese) which is not true! I so long never shop le....sobz.

Converse 3-on-3 coming very soon...excited! Might see desmond...saw him at the same event with his Fscc gang last year. He ended up in a fight during the match ... me + wennie + hj will remember that incident forever. I have never seen someone fight till so sak-ee before...and all his little actions. Damn cool!!!!!!!!!!! Idol!!!!! Anyone interested to go with me to see the match msg me okokokok?

Went eat sakae today. Argh~ as usual. Full. Damn full. Ha ... ms zhang also complain very full. ( i duno she complain for what..she only ate 8 plates ) Hmm ... feel like pampering myself. Feel like eating good food...swenson la, fish & co la, TCC cakes la, Secret Recipe's grande la, hotel high tea la....ha ~ no money ah~ and still got alot of things wana buy ar~

My shopping list ^______ ^
  • Nike Dunk Low

  • K.A.T legwarmer
  • Brown colour hat

  • Joey + Miriam + Angela + Jolin's albumS

  • X-Girl tee

  • See? So many stuffs i wana get. Anyway speaking of this ar, been walking around looking for my "Beauty and the Beast" Vcd for very very long le. Jurong Pt, Bugis, Westmall, PS --- all dun have. They even have "Pinochio" and "Dumbo"...but all dun have what i wan. So If u guys happen to see my wanted-vcd ( i wan the disney version...not those fako productions >< ), tell me where it is ok? I love u all!!!