Saturday, February 12, 2005

Do you know that teachers actually read student blogs? I didnt know you know...until today. Gosh. ( Hi sir, now that I know that you're reading all this crapz...leave a message at the tagboard n tell me how you know about this okay? Smilez! )

Singapore is so so so hot. Hot hot hot hot hot -_-''' Hong Kong can be even hotter than here during May ya....with so many people around + lots of cars & buses + narrow streets + glaring sun + no wind = VERY HOT.

Hey. Its so so so hard to stop others from hurting you. A simple move, a word, or sometimes just a sms could let you breakdown and cry. But. You can always prevent others from hurting you. Its much easier that way isnt it? At least its something within your control ... ... dry your tears !