Tuesday, June 16, 2009

You want to know what girl's think?

1) You pop by her house at 11pm/7am to surprise her with supper/breakfast.

"AAAAAAHHHHH SHIT I'VE GOT NO MAKEUP ON! Cant you call before u come u stupid boy".
Thats why we dont look really happy with your surprise.

2)You went through all the paiseh-ness, the pain of forking out money from ur already flat wallet to get her a big bunch of roses.

"I'd really, really rather you buy me a bag OR something frm Tiffany OR a perfume OR just treat me to a better restaurant for dinner if you really have no where else to spend your money."
Thats why our smile is so fake. Wow, flowers, nice. What else do you want me to say???

3) You are with the girl you want to woo, its the 3rd date. Crossing the road, green man's blinking. What a gentleman, you kept your hands to urself.

Chance missed. It may never come again.

4) Cockroach on the street. You jump away immediately.

*rolls eyes*

5) Dining in restaurant and waiting for the waitress to come over for menu/order/bill. You look around hoping to catch the waitress eye.

"Can you just put up your hand and call for the waitress? Urgh. I'll do it. "
Sorry this applies to Singapore guys only. Majority.

6) Its 11pm, left pub. Girl-friends tipsy, you're tired too, cab comes, you hop in.

"I cant believe it. WHATS THIS?????"
Who's the man here? You or me?

More to come.