Monday, September 19, 2011

Weekend at MBS

Thanks to The Man's mom, who spent her casino points on a 3 weekend hotel stay marathon. Baton passed to us for this week, next up will be The Man's sister and her boyfriend.

17th's our monthniversary, highlight for the day was supposed to be Todai. The idea of making reservation didn't cross my mind till the day itself and the only slot they had left was 8.30pm, which we would both probably burn a hole in our stomach by then. And so, we created our own little international buffet.

15 minutes after we officially started munching, The Man declared dead for the night. Too full to move at 8.15pm. And he goes on to be full all the way till 10pm, and dead again after getting a sneak bite at a hard cold pizza during my bubble bath.

There goes my romantic night. -_-

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