Monday, April 23, 2012

April, you're such a wild surprise

I haven't really tasted April, and now its moving off my plate.

Long breaks are really not my thing. I'm ready to get out to the field and start slaving away. And tomorrow's the day. The little butterflies and that uncomfortable feel of uncertainty before entering a new environment has been disturbing during my holidays, I'm sure it will go away when things get busy. 

I just love being busy.  

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Chill, summer

Summer shouldn't be 17 degrees. Sigh. Guess I brought the chill with me.

Night before I left for this last minute trip, I told The Man about the list of interesting people that I can't wait to meet when I'm in town. And I met none of them. And I'm leaving tomorrow.

I don't really know me sometimes. Half of me wants to dial that number, the other half just watch that half of me lazily. And so I ended up wanting to contact them. Just "wanting".

I'm trying very hard to rest my soul and enjoy this bit of holiday. When I asked if he missed me, The Man said "this distance is good" cos he needed the time to mug for his exams. That four words pierced through my heart and moved me deeply... darn this man who don't miss me a bit I'm gonna do some serious shopping to my heart's fill RIGHT NOW.

And then I felt better =)

Monday, April 16, 2012

4 days to 5 years

And I left. 

Four more days to 5 years of employment with Imodels. I left. Just like that.

And here I am. Sitting at my sister's laptop, in the tiny living room, munching a cold hong kong style egg tart (cold but still delicious!), blogging about it. The resignation letter is chucked away somewhere in the warehouse that's carrying my work stuffs, I remembered seeing it inside when I was packing up at SOHO. I intended to submit that in September so that they have three months to find a suitable replacement.

So much for arrangements. 

No men is indispensable, this I've learnt many years ago, and I'm sure the agency would carry on well without me. I'm half worried about Fish, there's too much on her plate right now, but I'm sure these hard times will be a great learning and growing opportunity for her.

I do miss the times with Imodels, but there's no space for reminiscences, there's much to do.