San and I visited Geyland last month, was too busy to blog about....
She felt really uncomfortable while Bonita Ma, the excited and adventurous Hong Kong girl, was totally at ease and perpetually skipping around the red-light districts of Singapore. We were zooming around the little streets and lanes and to my astonisment, the uncles were queueing like aunties for John Little sale outside the motels.We even saw a very fair lady with only a towel wrapping her body opening a door @ a container (u know those container room @ construction site? metal box?) saying bye to an uncle and motioning to another uncle to come in........Anyway, our main motive was to EAT. There were so many restaurants to choose from, we had no idea which one to go to and spent almost half an hour wandering from streets to streets. I was really keen to try the beef horfun and/or steamboat (oh gosh...damn cheap!) but San had something else in mind. Zicheng recommended dimsum, that's where we had our supper.....Xiao Long Bao!!!!! Its nicer than ding tai feng.
Look at the table of fooooooood. Aiyoh, san ar your expression....
While she indulge in the xiao long bao, snapped!
Why so emo over the shrimp cake?
Wasnt as terrific as zc desribed...pretty average. But then again, its quite difficult to find average hong kong dimsum in Singapore, most of them are below average. Especially what Mongkok, Admiralty, Causeway Bay....taste lousy. Including the one in Cine level 2. Service sucks too.By the time we left Geyland, our last buses are gone....we were stranded at Bugis and had to walk all the way back to dhoby for NR (the funny thing is, we took a cab home in the end).
Sooooo artistic. Another side of Sandy.
Our company calendar was finally done up (i've shown it to some of my friends, more negative comments than positive ones...)
The final copy was actually the 2nd version that we submitted in December. The team were revising the design again and again till Feb, Mun and i even came back on Sunday to do it. And? Sorry if I sound pissed, cos I really was. Just found out from my client that, most agency gets free sponser of workmanship for their calendars, like photographers and digital imaging artists. In return, they get credit role and can use it to build up on their portfolio. Guess we could do something like that for 2009.If we stack ALL the calendars on Giena's table, it can actually touch the ceiling. Provided our ceiling isnt that high anyway....
I have an illusion that the calendars are multiplying themselves...
Everybody stayed back to send out the calendars, including Mun. I apologise for the ugly pinned up hair. Look like those house maids in the 70s.
Pa bo!
PS: I wrote this yesterday and blogger was down, the whole chunk was gone. Fortunately, there was a half done saved draft.....hopefully this doesnt fails again. *v*
Gosh, I havent blogged since Feb 12th?Fashion Festival is in late March, intl side has been very busy with many castings and shows. As compared to the quiet Feb (models were complaining about few castings), the hot favourites are packed to the brim for their schedule since early March. We have a new teammate Jacklyn (shall call her Jackie here), ever since she sat at the front desk this Monday, business (and $$$) are gushing in like yellow river....Which is a good thing. I guess. *v* We're gonna do lot of shows soon, and I'm really excited about everything!If you have been following closely to newstation, you'd know that there are loads of grumps and downs for the past few weeks.Oh and then as usual, pictures pictures. My CNY trip back to HK...damn outdated I know.On the first day of New year my sister said to me.....~
"You cant get your emily jacket back. Its mine now!" *evil laughter*
The weather's real cold in HK during that time, I was wearing 4 layers (excluding bra) and still shivering in the streets....She insisted that this is tiger prints. Helloooowww, its zebra la you idiot.
Last year when I went back for new year, I didnt know that we were supposed to exchange gifts when we go yum cha in restaurants. Unlike Singapore when you're giving mandarin orange to elders (for exchange of angbaos muahahaha), back in HK they give like ferrero rocher, denmark cookies, chocolates...u know, that kind of stuffs. And its all prettily wrapped up like xmas pressie, and who knows it may really be left over christmas presents....That big bag of thing my sis is carrying, thats my family gift. Abalone noodles.Candid!
I permed my hair!
Sorry, didnt take any snaps during the big Ma family gathering at all, was busy eating.Dad bought lots of clothes (with my money -_-) when I was around...
Get the address of this shop from me, they're selling leather jackets at HKD$200 only. Real leather.
Looks good huh.
My all time favourite shopping paradise for cheap goodies....Garden Street @ Prince Edward.
See. I told you she's ugly.
Patronise them since young...their standard are getting lower year by year.
The famous curry fishball. Selling for $5 per stick.
Cheeky cheeky.
Still stuck at Garden St. As compared to sgp when its very quiet on the first 2 days of CNY, HK is always so full of life....
Tang Yuan tang yuan *v* Favourito.
Think my dad and my mum are fighting in this pic....cant rem what happened.
We love money!
HK notes are so colourful....esp the ten dollar note. Disgustingly colourful.
I remembered that every time our family goes Tsim Sha Tsui together, my parents will end up quarelling and my dad will just walk away to take a different bus home. Not anymore, since last year. They end up fighting on star ferry jetty. Real fight. With fist and everything.... xDOn the way to get my cosmetics @ t.s.t.
Walk along this shop, cross the road and turn left, walk all the way till you smell the delicious smell of 鸡蛋仔...turn right, that's 利是商场. This is how I recognise the way. Ha.
Guess what, we saw this street performer thrice a day and 2 different places.
I actually took a video of him teaching my sis how to spin a plate...will load it later together with the hilarious videos of my parents fighting.I havent been on a cruise....tiramisu! tiramisu!
Its so damn cold....brrrr.
And what the heck, we're still buying ice cream!
We queued for 10 minutes u know.
This is the 妍书头 I'm talking about (换换爱的妍书)...cute right!
Smile ~
Like an sis cant take good pics la.
And the same thing goes to my dad. I think its the genes. No wonder my sis looks like my dad and I look like my mum.....fortunately.
My dad paid quite alot for this stupid prune juice, the salesman told him its from Japan and best selling and blah blah blah. My mum was jerking at him when she saw "Made in USA"....
She also forced him to swallow the whole ice cream at one go. Madness.
Bang bang bang!
To be continued......when i'm free.